Wednesday, January 23, 2013

We Made It!

Its already been a whole week?? What?! I can't believe that we are finally here! I feel such a sense of belonging here in Germany. I love how when you surrender your life to the Lord, no matter where He takes you, you feel so at peace!

After about 17 hours of travel time, we finally entered the door to our BEAUTIFUL apartment!! To make sure we didn't just crash in the middle of the day, we went right to work to make our house feel like a home :) Our wonderful roommate Judy brought us to IKEA and we got a bunch of stuff to fill our room :) The picture to the left is the "after IKEA-and-unpacking-and-decorating-finally-settled-in" picture LOL! After all that traveling, unpacking, and organizing I slept a whopping 13 1/2 hours straight!! We are STILL trying to recover from jet-lag. We didn't think it would take this long but we are almost on a normal sleeping schedule!

Since we first started out on the journey to get here, we have been going NONstop! I literally feel like Ive walked about 50 miles! Im totally exaggerating but thats how out of shape I must be in! We have been able to experience some awesome ministry opportunities, meet amazing people, and have been reunited with a bunch of the friends here in Koblenz and Boppard! Just a couple days in, we were able to visit a church in the city of Koblenz and go on a prayer walk through the city! It was amazing! We walked through the city and prayed for the youth and all gathered together in the center of the city and ended it with worship and corporate prayer! So powerful!

Another amazing opportunity was just this past Sunday night! Its called a Spotlight service that a bunch of the churches/denominations here in Koblenz gather together and do a worship and communion service together! The different denominations that gathered included a Pentecostal Church , Evangelical Free Church, Baptist Church, Messianic Jewish Church, City Mission Church, Lutheran Church, and Russian Church! It was incredible to see so many different churches gather together, put aside their differences, and unite together around the main similarity which is Jesus Christ! It was so powerful!

We have also met with a bunch of the youth and had them over at our house for lunch on Sunday which was awesome! It is so good to catch up and reconnect with all these amazing people!

I know a lot of this blog is just information and not my thoughts but I guess this is a way for me to also document even the facts of what is going on in this incredible journey :) Since it is Jesse that mostly rights the newsletter I like to take and use this blog to get out everything thats going on in my own words :) He is so much better at writing information than me and I like the sense of no pressure when it comes to blogging. I can say it anyway I want and it doesn't have to sound professional LOL!

One thing I continually ask God for is that He will help me learn everything quickly. The German language is very difficult but in the past week Jesse and I have been learning SO much! Just pray that the Lord will continue to enable us to learn the culture, language, and mindset of the Germans so we can better understand and minister more effectively!